Friday, December 30, 2011

Little Update

Sorry I haven't written for a while I have been in ICU and didn't want to keep anything with me.  So here is a bit of an update:

I was moved from ICU to the regular floor yesterday and I am so grateful to me in a "normal" room again. They took one chest tube out today and it hurt like crazy because I didn't have the epidural like I did last time. So that means I am down to one chest tube because they took two out a few days ago.

like my crazy hair?

As for when I might go home, it is possibly next Thursday or Friday after a bronc on Wednesday. YAY!! I think it's time to go home, don't you? I have been here since December 8th.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Oh What A Night

So something scary happened yesterday; I can't write it as the person who went through it, so let me share as if I were an on looker.

Bree was exercising with a new physical therapist and was finishing up with a brisk walk. She started getting tired and frustrated because she was having trouble catching her breathe. The physical therapist took her back to her room and tried to calm her down. She was getting hot and claustrophobic trying to catch her breathe, we quickly tried to give her some oxygen and called for the doctor because something was wrong. Nurses and doctors rushed in to help her, they gave her more oxygen, checked her chest tubes for kinks, did an ABG (air blood gas blood draw), took an x-ray, and gave her a breathing treatment. They slowly waited to see if her oxygen level would go up, and ever so slowly it did. They rushed her to the ICU once she was able to sit on the bed. She slowly has been recovering in the ICU.

So that's what happened; I am doing better now though. The doctors think that I may have had a blood clot in my lungs, but they couldn't give us a 100%, this is why this happened, answer.

Christmas was thus spent in ICU. My sister and her boyfriend came by my room this morning so we could wish each other a Merry Christmas. He and his family have been a great support for her and my family.

My parents have been going back and forth from each room to spend some time with each of us.

So that's what happened yesterday, and a little bit about how we spent today.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Back in Action (long post)

Hello Everybody,

I'mmmmmmmm baaaaaaaack! My brain is not all there yet, but let's see what I can remember from the morning of the surgery up until today.

     I remember being anxious and wanting to get the surgery over with... They wheeled me into the elevator and down to the fourth floor, where their were tons of people who all had scrubs on... They wheeled me past these two big screen TVs that I think had the day's surgeries on them, that was neat to see... They wheeled me through a messy (clean, but cluttered) hall... Once they got me into the OR I heard clinching and clattering from all of their fine silverware (and not the kind you would use at Christmas dinner)... I saw all of the crazy machines that would connected to my body during surgery...They moved me from hospital bed to the operating table... Then they asked me if I would like some medication to relax me and then......

     I remember them asking me about the breathing tube and if I thought I could breath on my own and if I wanted it out... I think I asked them something about how I can help myself breath on my own... I remember how difficult it was to communicate with people to get what I needed.

...For instance I got very hot once and I think I was signing (using American Sign Language) to tell the nurses and my mom what I needed. I used ASL quite a bit and thought people should be able to understand me, because this is a language everyone should know (at least everyone in a hospital where it might be difficult to talk).

...I remember being in ICU and them taking out an IV like line out of my groin and my neck. I think the tape has been the worst of all the pain. If someone could please develop a tape with an on and off switch I would be very grateful.

...I remember at times getting really hot and wanting the sheets off of me and not being able to do it myself. It is so frustrating trying to get the nurse to come in to take the sheets off, especially when I would get really hot and they would take their sweet time coming in, not knowing I was getting so frustrated and uncomfortable being so hot.

...I remember playing tick-tack-toe with my Mom and her letting me win, thinking that was helpful. It only made me frustrated that she thought I couldn't beat her on drugs.

...I remember several people visiting me in the ICU (I won't name names, so incase I leave anyone out I don't hurt anyone's feelings). I wasn't fully there, so what ever was said kinda just went through one ear and out the other anyway (Sorry everybody who visited me).

     I am still kinda not all here, it comes and goes. As I write this I have to go over things several times before they make some sense.

Please Keep my sister, Amber, and me in your prayers. We are both having some issues using the restroom (I know that's some information I probably wouldn't give out if I wasn't on drugs, but I really want my stomach to be okay, therefore I need prayer).

And I want to THANK GOD for all He has done for my family. Getting my sister out of ICU and sending my Dad home today. Thank you Lord for keeping us in the palm of your hand and being by our sides through all of this.

this is a picture of me today (I am still on oxygen because they want to help me out just a little)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Good afternoon, this is Bree's mom updating for her once again. All is going well:) Thursday after transplant Bree spent her evening resting in ICU. She was already following commands from nurses like 'squeeze my finger' and was opening her eyes a bit. Her sister Amber spent her time in ICU dealing with alot of pain until Friday night and is now in a regular room next to Mike her father. Mike went straight from recovery Thursday into a room on the floor and was also dealing with pain. Thank goodness for pain meds, it's funny how the 3 of them are a bit loopy. Yesterday, Friday, Bree was breathing on her own so they took the tube out of her throat, she is using those new lungs now that cannot be affected by CF, how amazing is that. Mike started walking the floor on Friday evening. Amber started walking today. And, a few hours ago they sat Bree up in a chair in ICU, she is doing great. I just want to say, 'A BIG shoutout to our heavenly Father, Thank-you for the opportunity for Bree and a new life.'

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yea, Good News :D

Hi:)   This is Bree's mom, how do you do? Wonderful news.....The doctors spoke to us and said all went well. Mike and Amber's lobes were the size of a palm, when they were placed in Bree's chest cavity they expanded to her chest size when Bree's blood flowed through them. Bree's doctor said she looks great, and everything else looked good.  She is now going to ICU to recovery for 2 days, can't wait to see her. Daddy Mike moaned a bit after surgery, Amber is now in some pain.....They are taking good care of all 3 of them. Thank-you Lord for your hand in today. Thank-u family and friends for your support today and everyday. Thank-u Hubby Mike and Daughter Amber for giving our daughter, your sister, another chance at life to follow her dreams and make a difference.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just For Laughs...

...and because I am board and have so much joy and energy...ENJOY (laughing at me)

sorry it didn't have it should have sound

Mr. Snow and Dasher Part 1

A Day of Lasts

Today all I can think of is, "today is a day of lasts with CF lungs" (does that make sense). I am trying not to get to "excited" (I guess would be the word), because the transplant team always meets on Wednesday afternoon and you never know if something might come up.

Please keep my family in your prayers. I know God has already been answering our prayers because I have had more peace over the past couple of days.

Thank you all for all of your support and prayers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Old Stuff

I just found these three entries I had written on Facebook, before I started this blog; I thought I would share them with you.

November 11, 2009

Today is the first day that I am on the lung transplant list. I knew this day would one day come, that's a lie. I always thought that I would just manage my heath and remain pretty healthy, or I thought God would heal me through his miraculous hand. But, God has brought a revelation to me that he can heal through transplant, and give me a miraculous recovery. If more people can come to know Christ through me going through a lung transplant than that is better than me living a somewhat healthy life and those people not coming to know God. God's sees the bigger picture, I know he knows what is best for me. Over this past year and a half he has shown me that his timing is perfect. I know God will be with me every step of the way. I am ready for this journey, let's go for it God.

November 15, 2009

It's so amazing how you can get paranoid over always being near a phone in case you get that call saying, "we have a lung for you."
I can't count how many hours I have been thinking "when will the phone call come in" and "what do I do when I get the call." Because there are certain things that I usually take to the hospital I worry that I will forget to bring something. I should pack a bag just in case, but some of the stuff I take to the hospital I use here at home and II don't have two of everything. lol.
I have been gaining weight; this is really good because it is strengthening my body, which will make recovery after transplant easier.

February 12, 2010

Well, God has given me the opportunity to take online classes through Barstow.
I was also applying to BIOLA's BOLD Program to complete my degree, but they are discontinuing the program.
With God closing certain doors, I believe He is calling me to go back to the BIOLA University campus in order to complete my degree. I have sent in my re-admit application. I am praying that I am accepted and that I can start taking classes in the summer. I am praying that God keeps me healthy so that I can finish my degree without interruptions.
Now that I am on the transplant list and trying to go back to school I pray that God postpones the transplant till I have my degree in my hands.
"God keep me healthy so that I can continue my education and serve you in the work force."

Monday, December 12, 2011

For Daily Viewers

So I realize that some of you may visit this blog daily to see if I have written anything new, well today I DID! Sometimes I just don't think that things are worth writing about. I don't want to write in the heat of the moment because I might say something I may regret later; even though I can delete a post, you never know who has seen it in the time that it was up.

Well I guess I will share with you daily viewers what I did today.

I sat. I watched tv. I did my breathing treatments. I ate (when I had Boost Plus). I sat some more. and watch some more tv. I did my breathing treatments again. My Grandparents came to visit : ) this is what they brought me

adorable right? I think so : ) I ate again (well Boost Plus again). My Grandma and I played Go-Fish as while my Grandpa took a nap. Out of the 8 or so games we played I think I won two. Then I did my breathing treatments again again. Then my Dad came and we got to visit (he is still hear sitting with me, LOVE YOU DAD : ). Then I watched Ellen! Then I had a phone meeting for an hour. Now my Dad is talking about our chests being open. Gotta love my Dad. Now we are watching the Rams and Sea Hawks game. GO FOOTBALL! (sarcasm) 

That's my day so far daily viewers. Hope your day was FABULOUS (like how Jim Carrey would say in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," look it up). 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Good Night Sleep

One night in the hospital: to much to count the cost

Benadryl as a sleep aid: unknown

A good night sleep in the hospital: priceless

Last night I had the best sleep I ever had in the hospital. I am so thankful that God blessed me with a good nights rest after the kind of night I had before. It's hard to be in the hospital this time, before the transplant because there is nothing to do other than think about what's to come. I hope the next few days are easier.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Here We Go Again

I received a call this morning from the CF team saying that they want to bring me in today because the surgery has been scheduled for the 15th of December. I am praying that everything goes smoothly this time, because I have lost some weight and I know that I need to be a certain weight to have the surgery.

It's been tough trying to gain and maintain my weight because I do breathing treatments four times a day, which leaves about three hours in between for me to eat and do my daily activities. I usually get hungry about an hour before my next treatment, but by then it's too late for me to eat because I wouldn't be able to keep it down during my next breathing treatment. Hopefully we can get me to gain some weight within the next week.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers; this has been such a bumpy ride and I don't think we will really think it's going to happen until the night before or maybe even the morning of.

The only bummer of having the surgery now, is that I will be missing the annual Nutcracker with my Grandparents and cousins and 2nd cousins (shout out to Ava and Zoe : ) ), and I will most likely not be home for Christmas. I know that these things may seem trivial compared to having the opportunity to have a transplant, but I look forward to getting together with my family all year long. This was last years traditional pre-Nutcracker picture.
 and a picture of my cousin and I at Christmas : )

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Just Talking

A little update...

I was told that the date the team is looking at may not work out because right now they only have one OR available. So, they have been calling all of the surgeons using the ORs that day, to see if they are willing to change the date of their surgery to allow us to use the OR. I feel kinda rude asking someone else to move their surgery date, since they could have been planning on this for quite awhile. I won't know for sure if we can get the ORs till probably the end of next week. (They told me they should know Monday or Tuesday, but I don't think I will hear from them then). I just thought you might want to know the latest.

Friday, November 25, 2011


I had a great Thanksgiving yesterday (and Monday) with my family; eating, talking, and playing Apples to Apples. I am so thankful for my family and all of the support that they have shown me over the years. Even though there have been some tough times in my life I have been able to pull though because of the strength God has given me and because of my family. Love you guys : )

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Straw that Broke the Camels Back

Well, my sister (Amber) and Dad got a call today from USC telling them that the transplant is being postponed yet again. For some reason they never call me.

The Reason Why: After the transplant there were going to be about five days where the surgeons who operated on us would be on vacation, but there would be another surgeon there. The operating surgeons didn't like that idea.

I won't tell you when the possible surgery will be because who knows what will happen from now until then.

This has been a troublesome day for my family because my Dad and Mom and already taken off work for last week's scheduled date, and my sister (Amber) had been working it out with school. As for myself, I am frustrated because I don't want to live this quality of life anymore. I had so much hope that life was going to get better in a couple of days (after recovery of course), but my hope has continually been taken away by the changing surgery dates.

The only hope I have left is in something God told me last Christmas.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Date Set

So the new date for the transplant is November 30th. This means that I get to spend Thanksgiving at home with my family, which I am very grateful for.
Dad, Me, and Amber (my sister)


Thursday, November 17, 2011


The following pictures are my sister's leg that had the possible infection that they cut open. The first picture is with a cloth stuck inside it to absorb the gross stuff, and the second one is with the bandage out of it. She was released from the hospital on Wednesday night and is healing up nicely at home.

There still hasn't been another set date for the surgeries, but when I know I will let all of you know. (A shout out to those of you outside of the United States, I think it's so cool when I see that there have been people viewing my blog from countries like Chile, Australia, Germany, Canada, and much more.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

What's Life Without a Couple of Hurdles

So the surgery has been postponed or put on hold for the moment. My sister (Amber) has a possible infection on her leg from what we think started out as a bug bite. She was admitted to the same hospital I am in now so they can open it up and take a culture to see if it is in fact an infection. Please keep her in your prayers.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Just like you prep a steak by marinating it before you cook it, I am getting prepped before surgery on Wednesday. They are trying to tune me up before they go in. I have been learning a lot more over the past couple of days, which has been helpful. I know that my surgery will be about 8 hours long, while my Dad's and my sisters will be 4 hours long each; and they start on all of us at the same time.

I have been having my ups and downs emotionally, but over all I am doing well. Tuesday will be interesting, knowing that the next morning I will be in surgery.

I will keep you updated as often as I can.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gentlemen Start Your Engines


NOVEMBER 16th, 7:30am

Donors: Michael Bowers (Father) and Amber Bowers (Sister)

Recipient: Bree Bowers

Care Giver: Wendy Bowers (Mother)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nerve Racking

So, Amber and Dad have been cleared and we are waiting on insurance to clear all three surgeries. The surgeries could possibly take place on November 16th, but we'll see. It's nerve racking now knowing that they date is coming closer and knowing what actually is going to happen. I think I am starting to psych myself out about the surgery and the recovery period.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Waiting Game

My Dad and Sister (Amber) are a "go" to be donors for a transplant. All that is left is for Amber to meet the surgeon and then for us to wait until the hospital can set a date when three surgeons, three surgical teams, and three operating rooms are available. It's hard to have to wait around, not being able to get things done faster. My family is having a difficult time too, not knowing when the surgery might be; but the transplant coordinator said that they will give us two weeks notice, so my parents can tell their employers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Testing...

Amber and I continue to make our trips out to USC University Hospital for more testing. Yesterday she had another scan of her lungs and today she had an ABG (a blood gas test where they draw blood from your artery in your wrist) and a Full PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).

She is in right now doing the PFT and I can hear the technician saying, "Ready, BLOW, GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO, okay breathe in."

Thank you Amber for all of the hard work that you are doing to see if you are a match, and thanks for being willing to be poked and prodded too. I love you!

(Just made a spelling change for my mommy, breathe is spelled b-r-e-a-t-h-e not b-r-e-a-t-h, love you mom!)

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Sister's Love

Amber (my sister) is being tested to see if she will be able to donate a lobe to me. So far she has completed the following tests:

a pft (pulmonary function test)
a blood draw
an x-ray
a ct scan with contrast
she has met with a social worker

and at the moment she is doing an EKG and Cardiogram I believe, I could be wrong about the Cardiogram part.

I want to thank Amber for being willing to go through these tests to see if she could donate one of her lobes to me, it's not a small procedure.

Thanks Amber for all that you are doing! I love you Sis!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sister Fights to Save a Life

The possible donor had testing last Friday (a pft, an x-ray, and a blood draw). They scored high enough on the pft to donate, but the doctors want to test my sister, Amber, to see if she can score higher. Today she had a pft. The doctors will look at her scores and go from there. So, she got her chance to see if she can be a possible donor : )

I should also be leaving the hospital today. I'm not sure if I wrote about it, but I came in two weeks ago because I was working to hard to breathe. Now I am off of oxygen and feeling alot better.

Friday, September 23, 2011

All in God's Timing

So one of the possible donors didn't work out. The transplant team is now testing another possible donor to see if they are a good fit. The earliest a transplant would likely happen would be in four weeks, two weeks for testing and then two weeks later the transplant would happen. Will see what happens. This just means that I have more time to build up my muscles for the transplant.

My sister is so sweet; she is getting a little upset that she hasn't been tested yet, while others aren't working out. It makes me feel loved, since I don't get very many hugs from her. Love you Amber!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


It seems like I spend 50% of my time in Chino and 50% of it at the hospital in Los Angeles. I left the hospital 3 weeks ago and was on home IVs 2 weeks ago, now I'm back.

I am being admitted to the hospital again today, the doctors think I am working too hard to breath. I am back on oxygen and short of breath every once in awhile. I was hoping that the next time I came to the hospital it would be for a transplant. I guess that's not happening.

The doctors are saying that it's good I am coming in before transplant so then they can get me as healthy as possible before the surgery and make sure I don't get too sick to have a transplant. I understand that but it still doesn't make me any happier about being admitted.

While I'm here they will hopfully fix my esophogus. They saw erosion when they did an EGD last week. In order to fix it, to make sure nothing comes up and into the new good lungs, the doctors have to close off my esophogus a little bit. I'm not sure how this is done, but hopfully I will get some answers soon.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I have been off of oxygen during the day since Sunday. It feels so good not to have to carry around a tank or have a cord follow me all around the house.

And as of this afternoon I am free from Home IVs. My pulmonary function test went up a point since I did it a week ago, so the doctors stopped the IVs.

I am also having second thoughts about having withdrawn from BIOLA last Thursday since I am feeling so good right now, but I know that can all change in a flash. So for now, I will help around the house and help my sister with her math class.

*My Dad is a "GO" for being a transplant match, now we wait to see who else might be able to donate.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Little Update

I am finally back at home (came home Wednesday night). The doctors are keeping me on home IVs though, to try and keep me healthy longer. Even though I have to wake up in the middle of the night to do an IV, I am so glad to be doing it at home.

With everything that’s going on I withdrew from BIOLA on Thursday. It’s a bummer that I won’t be going to school this semester and maybe this year, but it’s for the best.

My dad continues to go through testing to be a donor as the doctors look at the other people who were willing to go through the testing to see if they are a match.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Roller Coaster Ride

So life stinks. I thought I would be going home today but surprise I am here for at least another night. My white count went back up to 19, so the doctors want to make sure it goes down before I go home. Home, what a wonderful word; I wish I was there right now, and I would have been if the blood test went the way it was suppose to.

On the brighter side, my Dad had a stress test today and I think he did well. Mom is now working on her supportive skills so she can be up for the job when the day of surgery comes.

The Ups and Downs of the Day

So I should be going home today : ) I thought I would be going home after my 8:00 am IV, but nope I have to wait around for a blood draw and my 2:00 pm IV. But that's ok, it means I am here to comfort my disappointed mom.

My parents went for a Pulmonary Function Test today and had different results. Dad passed with flying colors but Mom well she didn't pass (she doesn't like the word "fail"). But this is for the better, now Amber won't be alone when the surgery happens and my mom can be the support person for the family. My Dad will continue with the testing today, but Mom is finished since she failed (I mean she didn't pass).

Friday, August 19, 2011

Let the Games Begin

And it begins...

Mom and Dad began their testing today to see if they will be excellent donors for me. I believe they...

had 14 tubes of blood drawn

had an x-ray

and had to pee in a cup, lol; the love my parents have for me that they would pee in a cup.

They will continue with other tests to determine if they are good candidates.

Thanks Mom and Dad for going through all of this to help out your little girl, it means the world to me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

What a wild ride...

ICU on the 7th floor Thursday

6 South on Friday

ICU on the 8th floor Sunday

6 East on Monday

I have moved around so much this visit I get dizzy just thinking about it.

As of now I am feeling better. I am hoping to get out soon and go home on IVs, hopefully Thursday or Friday but that might be wishful thinking.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

From the Beginning and a Bit of Today

How do I begin...

May 1, 1990 - My parents received the test results saying that I did in fact have Cystic Fibrosis.

Summer before entering 3rd grade - My first hospitalization at CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County)
          I can still remember the nurses putting the two IVs in my arms as I screamed bloody murder. My dad bought me a butterfly balloon when I was done to cheer me up, it worked. During my stay I had 2 bronchoscopes to remove mucus that was not showing up on x-rays but was hindering my breathing; I left the hospital much better than I came in.

February during 7th grade - My second hospitalization at CHOC
          During this stay I received my feeding tube that I still have today. At the time I thought it was the end of the world to have something on my stomach that wasn't a bellybutton ring, lol. Over time I have come to appreciate it knowing that if my appetite isn't the best I can use it to keep my body fed. *Little tid bit about this stay: I use to have a "blankie" that I would keep with me when I went on trips (or hospital stays), but when I went for a procedure and came back the cleaning ladies had taken it away in the bedding when they cleaned the room. I still miss that thing, it was so soft and silky.

Junior year of high school - My third hospitalization at CHOC
          This stay my teachers from school came to visit me along with some friends. Knowing that they were there for me made my stay a bit more easier.

From here on the hospital stays grew closer making them a bit less easier to track. Since Spring of 2008 I moved from CHOC to USC University Hospital. The transition was hard because I was leaving of all the doctors and people I knew over at CHOC, but I am so glad God has placed my new doctors in my life, they have been a blessing.

November 11, 2009, I was put on the Lung Transplant list through USC University Hospital. This was hard for my family and myself to accept because of what it ultimately meant, "I was getting worse and getting closer to the gates of Heaven."

Since January 2011, I have been in the hospital four times, making today the fifth round of treatment. It's been hard being here so much, but I am glad that I have been able to get to know most of the nurses here, it makes it feel a bit more like home.

Today I write from the hospital bed in ICU hoping to move once my desensitization is complete. I will continue to write, to keep anyone who wants to know, updated on the transplantation process.