Saturday, December 17, 2011


Good afternoon, this is Bree's mom updating for her once again. All is going well:) Thursday after transplant Bree spent her evening resting in ICU. She was already following commands from nurses like 'squeeze my finger' and was opening her eyes a bit. Her sister Amber spent her time in ICU dealing with alot of pain until Friday night and is now in a regular room next to Mike her father. Mike went straight from recovery Thursday into a room on the floor and was also dealing with pain. Thank goodness for pain meds, it's funny how the 3 of them are a bit loopy. Yesterday, Friday, Bree was breathing on her own so they took the tube out of her throat, she is using those new lungs now that cannot be affected by CF, how amazing is that. Mike started walking the floor on Friday evening. Amber started walking today. And, a few hours ago they sat Bree up in a chair in ICU, she is doing great. I just want to say, 'A BIG shoutout to our heavenly Father, Thank-you for the opportunity for Bree and a new life.'


  1. This is great news Wendy!! I'm so glad to hear they are all recovering. The doctors and God can truly do some amazing things. Take care of yourself as well. -Debbie Hsu

  2. Thanks for posting updates. I keep my dad informed too. (That would be Mike's uncle.) I'm glad to hear that everyone is mending well. In our thoughts and prayers always, Sheryl

  3. I wondered about the new lungs - no CF, Amen and amen! We are praising God with you.
    Sandy Anderson and family ( and Jessica too)

  4. Such a wonderful update!! Sounds like all are on the mend. Absolutely amazing what our bodies can do with both medical and spiritual intervention. I continue my prayers for a smooth recovery for the whole family.

    You hang in there Bree!!

  5. your family is an inspiration! I hope you are getting some rest and "me" time while you have help from the hospital!

  6. Thank you Jesus!!! :) I am soooo happy for you all! Please give everyone a big hug from me...especially Miss Bree! Please tell her that I am sorry, but I can not visit her or the rest of you because I have unfortunately come down with a little cold! Booo! I am so sad because I more than anything want to see that cutie pie with her new lungs! :) Continued prayers for speedy recoveries! HUGS, HUGS AND MANY MORE HUGS!!!!

  7. Dear Bree, Wendy, Amber and Mr. Bowers,
    Hello! This is Sandra Beasley, Barbara Mayhue's daughter. I've had the joy of praying for you all for about 3 years now. I don't know why I never thought to look for a blog for you. Anyway, ever since Thursday I've wondered how you all are, and I'm so glad to read that you are all doing what I've prayed for--the Lord is so gracious! This morning I prayed with joy, hoping that Bree was using those wonderful two lungs that were so graciously given to her--and I'm so glad to know my joy is reflective of reality! Bree, maybe you will get to "sing your lungs out" soon. Singing is one of my favorite things to do--I love bursting out in a hymn outside after my morning runs here in NC. Recently I've been enjoying singing "I Need Thee Precious Jesus." I rejoice with you all, and will keep praying--and may all 3 of you witness beautifully for the Lord in the hospital to those who don't know our dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    Psalm 92:4
    Sandra Beasley:)
