Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just For Laughs...

...and because I am board and have so much joy and energy...ENJOY (laughing at me)

sorry it didn't have it should have sound


  1. You are right, Bree. It does make more sense with the sound. You were certainly having a good time while you waited for Mom to arrive. You are one special young woman and we all love you. I hope you and Mom both get a good night's sleep.
    I love you both.
    Love, Grandma

  2. It was nice hearing you and Rhianna chat this afternoon. Were both happy, Proud of you. You are my hero Princess. Rhianna said that tomorrow you will have a new birthday with new lungs and breath. We love you Uncle Rob & Rhianna

  3. Aunt Evenlyn says God Bless You and All of our Hearts and Prayers go out to all four of you !

  4. You make me smile!!! My checks hurt!!!! XOXOXOX
    Crazy Nurse Jamie

  5. I LOVE IT!!! That belongs in the hands of Ellen :)

    Sally Wiker

  6. ALL I can say isssss...... :) :) :) :). I couldn't quit singing and dancing with her....lololol....& watching her put her spin on it. LOVE it !!!!!! Praying for ur speedy recovery Bree !!!!
