Monday, March 17, 2014

80 Percent!!!

Last week my transplant follow-up appointment rendered some awesome test results.

Here is a brief recap of my lung function test results over the past 2-ish years:

  • 22% - day before the transplant
  • 42% - first test after the transplant
  • 51% - three months after the transplant
  • 60% - five months after the transplant
  • 67% - one year after the transplant
  • 76% - two years after the transplant
  • LAST WEEK - 80%
Woohoo!!! 80% - I am hoping to keep up the improvement and make it to 100% eventually, even though the doctors say that it is unlikely since I have lopes and not full lungs. You have to reach for the stars to land on the moon right?

(cheers to continued improvement and setting higher goals for myself)