A little background: In high school I dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Later I decided that I did not want to spend the time needed in school to make this dream a reality. I thought that all the years it would take to obtain my law degree would not be worth it in the end. To be honest, I also thought that I wouldn't be able to utilize my degree because of my health.
I have been set against continuing my education after completing my undergraduate degree for quite some time, that is until recently.
After thoroughly enjoying my communication studies classes at Biola, and doing well after the lung transplant, I have decided to further my education. I feel what God is calling me to do in the future requires higher education and further in-depth study.
What does this mean?
Well, as of now, I am beginning the journey of searching for the graduate school and graduate program that would best prepare me for my future. There are so many questions I am asking myself...
- in state or out of state
- full-time or part-time (I will also need to be working, so I need to find a balance)
- where will I work and what insurance do they offer (insurance is definitely important)
...okay, maybe there aren't that many questions...but this also means that I will have to begin studying to take the GRE test (graduate school version of the SAT), and I will also need to begin applying to these schools.
I have been asking God about what he has planned for me after graduation in December, and I feel that this is part of what he is calling me to. He has given me such a peace, as well as excitement, in regards to making this decision. I continue to pray that he will open the doors to the school he would have me attend.
(cheers to finding the right school and graduate program)