Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Waiting Game

My Dad and Sister (Amber) are a "go" to be donors for a transplant. All that is left is for Amber to meet the surgeon and then for us to wait until the hospital can set a date when three surgeons, three surgical teams, and three operating rooms are available. It's hard to have to wait around, not being able to get things done faster. My family is having a difficult time too, not knowing when the surgery might be; but the transplant coordinator said that they will give us two weeks notice, so my parents can tell their employers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Testing...

Amber and I continue to make our trips out to USC University Hospital for more testing. Yesterday she had another scan of her lungs and today she had an ABG (a blood gas test where they draw blood from your artery in your wrist) and a Full PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).

She is in right now doing the PFT and I can hear the technician saying, "Ready, BLOW, GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO, okay breathe in."

Thank you Amber for all of the hard work that you are doing to see if you are a match, and thanks for being willing to be poked and prodded too. I love you!

(Just made a spelling change for my mommy, breathe is spelled b-r-e-a-t-h-e not b-r-e-a-t-h, love you mom!)

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Sister's Love

Amber (my sister) is being tested to see if she will be able to donate a lobe to me. So far she has completed the following tests:

a pft (pulmonary function test)
a blood draw
an x-ray
a ct scan with contrast
she has met with a social worker

and at the moment she is doing an EKG and Cardiogram I believe, I could be wrong about the Cardiogram part.

I want to thank Amber for being willing to go through these tests to see if she could donate one of her lobes to me, it's not a small procedure.

Thanks Amber for all that you are doing! I love you Sis!